


Specializing in Cellphone and Tablet Accessories

Guangzhou Adannu Technology Co. Ltd has been a manufacturer specializing in the research and development of cellphone and tablet accessories for 14 years. We have departments of mold design and production, plastic and silicone injection, leather stitching line, painting line, printing line, rubber coating and electroplating line, laser etching line and more.


10 Injection Machines and 10 Silicone Compressing Machines 

Our factory is equipped with advanced equipment including 10 injection machines and 10 silicone compressing machines. Meanwhile, our R&D department consists of more than 10 members with rich experience, proficient in various kinds of technological process to provide variety of solution to meet customers' requirements. Besides, we assign 10 QC technicians with 14 years of experience in each production line. They conduct stringent inspection processes to ensure the quality can meet the requirements of our customers.


Cooperating with Us Today 

We have five stores in Guangzhou mobile phone accessories market. Contact us today.


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手機:13427578396(陳) 15914384021(鄧) 電話:020-22920731 網(wǎng)址:http://azimat.cn  
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